Every successful person has a subject or a Ritual that attracts luck. Difficult to clearly say that it attracts luck, the thing itself, or of faith in him - a man dressed Happy tie before the talks and the transaction is successful, a woman dressed for a magical amulet on the neck, and hits "her" single, Sport Teams have their mascots, which can bring you happiness. Let's find out what the talismans, which you can help and how to get to the amulet on good luck.
What is the mascot
It often happens that the subject-matter, the success of yourself, your favorite stone on the banks of the river, the house cat, accidentally acquired statuette, the subject of jewelry or wardrobe. Such things even to owners the appearance, texture, shape or color. If the magic item is still not found, and without his support is uncomfortable, you can order it to manufacturer, but make it better mascot with your hands.
Luck can bring:
- Stones;
- Jewelry: Rings, Pendants, Brooches;
- Fashion Jewelry, Hair Clips;
- Plants, Animals;
- Products made of cardboard, yarn, fabric, leather;
- Traditional Items: Horseshoes, Statuettes, Coins.
The list goes on, the choice of the topic depends on personal preference, but there are General rules for inanimate objects: it is desirable, the use of natural materials, mascot should be pleasant to the touch and only positive emotions.
Manufacturer and conspiracy mascot for good luck

If the object is found, bought or ordered before you clean it you must , for each method:
- Lower over night in salt water;
- Wash the moon or sun light;
- Sprinkle Holy water or visit with him in the Church.
Conspiracy for the found or purchased mascot:
"Now, my luck, my fate! Lucky and I bring luck, disaster and severe weather of the promised to me"
The manufacture of amulets, it is better to have the luck on Sunday, it is important that the moon is in the growth phase. The Situation should be friendly, positive mood. Prepare all the materials and start:
- Talisman design, if necessary, thread the cord;
- If you wear symbols or runes;
- We enclose a mascot in a cloth and put it under the pillow for a night.
Binding mascot - one of the directions of nodular magic. For the manufacture of leather need band and blue lid. Fabric wrap around three duplicate nodes, each readable conspiracy, then nauzu give a desired shape.
The first node is: "luck was with me, in my Affairs and thoughts" of the Second node: "That it is these things and my word" of the third node: "neither virgin, nor an explicit knock my happiness with me! So it should be!"
Nodular talismans be hidden from prying eyes: hide and seek in the house, in the bag, under the lining of clothes sewn on.
Traditional magical symbolism on the metal applied (hunt), stone (scratches), tree (burn-out). For the activation you need:
- Amulet, made with their own hands, with runes;
- The sheet with the recorded conspiracy;
- Saucer, a new box of matches, tweezers;
- Ochre - natural color in red, beige, orange.
After drawing and coloring the runes, amulet read :

- The name of each RUNE is, perhaps, your own Text, do not write spells (important you use the particle "to");
- Sheet with conspiracy theories from the flame of the candle ignited and fits into a saucer;
- To collect the ashes and scatter in the wind;
- The flame of the candle, sprinkle several drops of wine, Mead, beer, or essential oil.
The name of the rune for good luck :
Anzus RUNE words, prophecy, magic.
Urzus - RUNE action, success, life force, energy.
Hyères - the RUNE of the result.
Runny talismans worn on the neck Lanyard or the inside of the bag, you will require regular feeding from the Hand of the owner.
The easiest and most reliable method for the production of magical object with the hands, it is a bag of wax. You will need:
- Candle (preferably Canon);
- A glass of water;
- A new packet of matches;
- Test Conspiracy;
- Bag made of real fabric and a small pocket.
Production process:
- The candle is in a glass, and fill it with water half;
- You ignite to read a candle and a conspiracy about you;
- The candle should extinguish burn out to the water and back (to enhance the effect of conspiracy read on fire all the time while the candle);
- Collect pieces of wax, put them in the Form, in a cellophane bag and pouch;
- Lucky charms-bag should always be with the host.
"Behind the sea-ocean-island of Buyan, the island of the mountain and in the mountain of Nora. And in the cave of the seven devils sit, the send will fail on the people. While the younger eyes, I coaxed his cock to the fire castle. To see during the fire, and his children with me, not me to hell with the brothers"
The second variant of the conspiracy theory reads strictly at midnight.
"In the sea of the distant blue sea there is an island. On the island it is worth a high mountain, In the mountain there is a high depth of Nora, And Nora in the seats, black devil, the people curse, Yes, failure is supplied. Has approved I, the servant of God (name) with the devils. Do not send me bad luck and bad weather. And to the fire with me - the luck is with me"
Elder charm of good fortune

Practicing magicians and psychics often wear large pendants on which drawn Pentagram, runes or characters. This does not happen for the Demonstration of the skills and for a better protection of General attention and envy. Elder charm of good fortune, according to the same principles as the small - a Problem with the wear. The most common lifestyle may not allow open carry the amulet, an Alternative to carrying in the inside pocket of the bag. Special requirements or skills for the production of large mascot with his own hands to have no need, moreover, to such a amulet to get more characters.
Everyone has the right to decide which amulet and whether it is at all necessary. The laws of the universe require decisive action for the success, perhaps a personal mascot is the first step on a long path to the desired future.